Wednesday, July 11, 2007

You Learned7 Lessons @ School That Could Possibly Ruin Your Life

How the public school system
tried (successfully or not) to
inhibit your development
and seven simple remedies
for your personal freedom.
Read, reflect, discuss and take
action – that 's what it's all
about. To start a conversation
with you and make some
positive changes.
- Steli Efti

Lesson One: Be afraid of failure

Fix Your Fears

Schools train you to: Be afraid! Restrain yourself! Be an underdog!

Fix Your Fears
„He who knows others is smart. He who knows himself wise.“
When looking at a schools lesson-plan, did you ever see the subject "Wisdom Through Self-Knowledge"? Nope! And there are good reasons for that: it would turn the student into the teacher and the teacher into the student. That’s turning the school-system upside down. That’s supercool! Don't become somebody that has written books. Be somebody that other people write books about!
Do what you're most afraid of. I repeat: Do what you're most afraid of. This is how true wisdom is created. Expand yourself, that's the only way to grow. You can't grow by just getting better at what you're doing already. That’s shrinking, or specialising as the experts like to reframe it. Don’t shrink yourself - discover new territories.

What to do:
Get a pad, a pen, close your phone and lock your door: Start writing. Write down everything that you'd do tomorrow if you had the guarantee that it would work. If you've written down all the things on a piece of paper, throw it away and start again! Don't stop untill you can't think of yet another think.

Lesson Two: Focus on doing it right

No Lover.

First thing students learn: Be slow! Be low! Suffer!

Formula: (Hate rejection) = Suffering²
What's your mind trained to achieve when teachers test you? Being acknowledged by the teacher. Teacher speak: "Yes, good." You happy. Teacher speak: "No, bad." You unhappy. That’s how we train dogs.
Yes means success, endorsement, reassurance, respect, love. And isn't that what life is all about, to get as much of this as possible? To achieve your goals and turn your dreams into reality, shouldn't you "count your yesses"? Isn't every yes a step in the right direction? NO! You don’t want to become a trained dog!
Cause if you're looking for yesses, your betting on the wrong horse, no, let me rephrase that: you're betting on the wrong insect! To catch butterflies, grow caterpillars! Look for nos! Catch nos! Hunt nos! No means failure, rejection, refutation, hatred. More inconvenient truth can not be. Change your failure-mindset.
„Success is falling seven times and getting up eight.“

Love Nos - Live To Win
„Failure and success are Siamese twins. If you try to separate them from one another, both might well die.”
The plain truth is that you will always fail more often than you will succeed. But when you know your quota you can turn that harsh fact into your advantage. If you know 'I tried ten times and failed seven times, and I succeeded three times' then you got a working strategy. Your task is: creating seven failures. The "power of the quota" will do the rest for you. Realize reality: every failure is one step on your way to success. Feel good about every step! Look for nos! Love them!

What to do:
Get a big bottle. Every time you fail at something, throw a cent into that bottle. When the bottle is full you have achieved your goal.

Lesson Three: Learn not to learn

Learn to learn.

What we can't do: Read! Study! Sharpen the saw!

Sawing, instead of sharpening the saw.
Once a woodcutter was asked why he's trying for several days to cut the tree with the dull blade. He answered: No time to sharpen the saw.
That's exactly how schools and universities teach. Do you know how many decades it takes a scientifically superior proven teaching method to find its way into the "modern" school system? No, you don't because until now the modern school system does not exist for enough decades to have incorporated better methods. (Another way of looking at it might be: it just takes a hell of a lot too many decades!).
Learn to learn before you want to learn something. That will save you a lot of time. And you remember that old saying: Time is money!
"If a lesson falls in the forrest and no one hears it, there is no lesson."

Learn to learn
"The greatest geniuses have always been the most perseverant students."
Our age is the information age. If you have realized the potential that's at your hands this very moment while you're reading these words, if you've really realized this enormous potential, you can manifest it to power. Reward yourself for every useful bit of information that you consume. Get addicted to information.

Learn to learn: Mind Mapping and Kinesiology.
Learn to read: Speed- and Photoreading.
Learn to listen: The most effective way to learn for most people is to listen to people who are great at what they're talking about. Your brain will create both sequentially structured and holographic neuronal networks of knowledge and understanding. There's a magic potion that allows you to listen effectively: open your mind and use your ears!

What to do:
Listen to an audiobook and imagine that person is talking to you. Don't just listen to words but experience their meaning.

Lesson Four: Intuition isn´t important

Thinking without thinking.

What our schools and universities are excellent at: Crippling your intuition! Your inspiration! Your concentration!

No grade = no value
Bet you've never seen a "Dr. intui." or a "Dr. inspiri." And that's just fine. Cause some things can't be quantified. Modern Minds like numbers, exact data, measurable, reproducable evidence. Magic and miracles (NOT mumbo-jumbo tricks!) are far more than that. But how to study the Unconscious consciously? You can't solve that paradox BUT when you try to solve it you will succeed.
Learn to let go and trust your intuition. Stop believing in "this must be done, that can't be done". Your conscious is the tip of the iceberg.
"Your brain works faster than you think."

Thinking unconsciously - Highway to success.
"If our mind would be a marathon, our consciousness would be two steps and our unconsciousness would be the other 42,193 steps of the way..."
Start to realize that your life is controlled unconsciously. Even decisions where you weight the pro and contra for many ours have already been made subsconsciously. The conscious part is just understanding why you made that decision.
Appreciate that part of your mind and give it enough emphasis in your life. Train your unconsciousness, get to know how to make it work for you (cause if you don't, others will make YOUR onconsciousness work for THEM)! Brainwash yourself, but instead of putting other peoples rubbish in, put in your own dreams and goals.

What to do:
Think of a problem that you haven't solved yet. Do it the same way like you do it with a name at the tip of your tongue. Tell your unconscious again and again: "Find the solution! Find the solution!". And then let go. A solution will apprear out of nothing.

Lesson Five: Your believes are irrelevant

Be believing.

What teachers and professors faciliate in us: Narrow mindedness. Close mindedness. Nomindititis.

Knowledge can move crumbles.
Knowledge may be power. But believing means creation. In our schools and universities facts matter. It doesn't matter what someone can imagine or believes. In school reality consists of quantifiable data and if you can't measure it, it's nonexistent. The scientific field of optic was closed (that means scientist figured out everything there is to know about the science of light) decades ago - until somebody came up and imaged new lenses, new waveforms and lasers (which we now use to read information from CDs, do operations and craft mashines).
„And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive.“

Be believing: A habit, not a talent.
"Imagination is more important than knowledge."
Before the first man thought of money, there existed no money on earth. Just out of pure imagination the very thing that now "rules the world" has been pulled into existence.
Free yourself from the chains of knowledge and spread the wings of imagination. Ask yourself questions like: "Will this still be impossible in 10 years? In 100 years? In 1000 years?" The answer to your question will eventually be no. Cause we can't know what's gonna be impossible. We just know whats possible now. The ability to believe gives you power. It creates opportunities where other people can't find them. Believing is an activity you do, not a gift that's given to you. So take action!

What to do:
Limit your vocabulary for one week. Delete the following 3 words from your mental dictionary: impossible, unrealistic, can't. If you use one of these words during the week, you have to restart the whole week again.

Lesson Six: Don´t decide

Deciding decisive.
How pupils and students complete tasks: Reluctant. Apologetic. Regretful.

Masochism. The freedom to feel the pain.
In our schools and universities decisions are made for students. Their ways are paved already.
Only when they have reached a certain age they are asked to make decisions for themselves. And what happens then? Students are decision-crippled. They are overburdened. First, they are made weak and then they shall carry stones.
Fear of nos limits freedom of choice.
But nos are always part of the past. And the best thing about the past is that its past - its over! Recultivate the joy of making decisions. This joy results in big responsibility, good feelings and more results. In between words and action there are decisions.
"Vision without action is hallucination."

Deciding decisive. Freedom that leads to felicity.
"The early bird gets the worm."
Innovation is created when some people make different decisions than most other people. Think about it: even not deciding is a decision. It's just a very slow decision. So get a habit of deiciding quickly and intuitively. It's not the decision but what you make out of the results you get. My advice: Learn to live with it. Learn from it. Grow with experience.

What to do:
Think about two difficult decisions. Decide immediately what you would do intuitively. Do it. Quick!

Lesson Seven: You aim too high

Stay Hungry.

Our graduades are: Fed up. Tired. Ready for retirement.

Secure survival through hunger.
The good is the enenemy of the better. The same thing is true for satisfaction and improvement. Just by striving for more can humankind fulfill it's destiny. What kind of motivation have our graduates today when they're leaving ivory tower? Do they want contentment or happyness? Feel well or multiple orgasms? Risk the achieved to strive for more means accepting the possibility to loose something in the end. That's why for most people what they have achieved is less than what they could have achieved. Once they've reached a endurable status they cling to it and wait for the end. Be different! Live your life and strive for more!
"Satisfaction is a paralyzing poison. Slowly but deadly against improvement."

Stay hungry so you don't starve
"Goals and wishes are nutrition for mind and spirit."
No matter what you've achieved so far - without any goals left your mind and spirit will starve.
So start focusing on the way, not the goal. Because on the street of life there is no one-way and no end of the line (well, maybe one).

What to do:
Revaluate your market-value. If you're one of the top ten heart surgeons in your country, bigger your market. If you're still one of the top 100 heart surgeons in the world, then look if you're one of the best surgeons at all (not just heart surgeon) in the world. Continue this "expanding" so long until you reach something that ignites your passion to strive for more.

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